What's New: 1.7.261732
There's loads of cool stuff in our latest update! We have a new map, fun new features and we introduce a new foe!
• We've upgraded the map to make game progression quicker and easier.
• It's simpler to know how much you've done, where you're going, and what loot you'll get along the way.
• You can invite your friends and send ‘em gifts.
• Use the Turbo button to speed up your planting – and speed up the zombies.
• Be warned: when we were upgrading the map, somebody let in the Gargantuars.
Name:Plants vs Zombies 2 v1.7.261732
Platform: Android
Genre: Strategi
Requirements: Armv7 only
Download Apk Normal:
Plants vs Zombies 2 v1.7.261732.apk
Download Apk Mod:
Plants vs Zombies 2 v1.7.261732.apk
Download Data:
Plants vs Zombies 2 DATA.zip
Instal apk, taruh datanya di "Sdcard/android/obb/disini". Maenkan
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