Jumat, 15 November 2013


Game dead strike ini lumayan menegangkan sob. Pasalnya anda harus bisa bertahan hidup didalam kota yg penuh dg zombie dan kalian hanya dibekali beberapa senjata untuk menembak para zombie yg hendak menyerang. down-arrow

Sekilas memang mirip dg Resident Evil. Tp g ada salahnya merasakan sensasi dikeroyok para zombie gila cheesy-grin .

Game ini work disemua hh android QVGA HVGA. Cekidot:

Dead Strike is a mixture of a psychological survival horror and a zombie shooter genre.

This game brings out a powerful and deep storyline, four different characters with unique abilities (different ways to play the game)! Are you brave enough to face zombies or do you prefer to avoid them and act stealthy? Is up to you!

Featuring eye candy graphics and special effects on the all Android platforms!

Name:Dead Strike
Developer:Corey Ledin
Genre:Action Horror
Download: Dead Strike.apk

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